Essenze naturali
dal mondo.




Trade Names: Figured Anegre.

Similar Woods:Figured Maple.

Origin:West Africa.

Range: West and East Africa from Guinea through Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon and the Congo
to Angola, eastwards to Zaire and Uganda, tropical rain forests.
Figured wood seldom occurs and thus is extremely difficult to obtain.

Uses: For high quality architectural purposes, especially in the USA, Australia and Southeast Asia.
Also used for musical instruments. Still used on a small scale in Europe.

Properties: The figuring of Anegre is very pronounced and beautiful. As a result the veneers are extremely decorative,
especially in conjunction with the silky luster and when the figuring occurs at a 90’ angle.

Machining:There is no great problem to working this wood but tools become quickly dull due to silicate deposits.

Seasoning: There is no great difficulty in drying cut lumber. The wood should be dried as soon as possible after
cutting to prevent blue stain.

Finishing: Surface treatment is possible by all the usual methods is possible but white patches can appear on the
surface as a result of calcium deposits.

Jointing: Gluing presents no problem. Nail and screw joints should be pre-drilled to prevent splitting.

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