Essenze naturali
dal mondo.




Trade Names Bubinga, Kevazingo
Similar Woods:Mutenye, Libenge, Etimoe.


Range: West Africa from Liberia East Nigeria through Gabon to Zaire, drier regions in the lower tropical rain forests.
Trees up to 45 m tall with conspicuously high roots. Differentiation is made between plain striped and pommele
Bubinga wood, latter of which is considered the most valuable at present.

Uses: Higher quality architectural woodwork and mass-produced furniture, paneling and parquet flooring.
Well-suited also for musical instruments.

Properties: Brown to violet-red heartwood with conspicuous growth zones. Resin pockets can occur, these degrade both the
veneer and lumber. To achieve the required grain Bubinga is either true quarter cut (rather plain) or rotary
vut eccentrically (colourful).

Machining:Despite its great hardness this wood is relatively easy to work. However, carbide-tipped tools should be used.

Seasoning: The wood should be carefully and slowly dried to avoid splitting.
When moist, the wood gets a blue stain when coming into contact with metal.

Finishing: The wood is suitable for any type of varnish or polish treatment.

Jointing: No special considerations are necessary and glue joints can be easily produced.
It is essential to pre-drill screw joints because of the hardness of this wood.

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