Essenze naturali
dal mondo.




Trade Names: Eucalyptus Pomele’

Similar Woods:Elm Burl

Origin:Australia , New Zealand and also in Spain today.

Range: Due to current plantation cultivation of Eucalyptus in North Western Spain and Portugal,
Eucalyptus veneers are being produced for the domestic market there.
Burl growth in Eucalyptus is very seldom , also in Australia and New Zealand .
That is why this wood cannot be used for mass production but only for architectural woodwork.

Uses: High quality architectural woodwork.

Properties: The varieties extend from the pomele type to the distinct burl.
Unlike other burl woods this does not occur through fine branch growth but is a pure growth characteristic
of this tree, getting its burly appearance from the wavy course of the grain.

Machining:Due to the very dense and wavy grain it is not easy to machine .
The wood splits very easily at the edges and when planning fibre pick-up occurs on the surface.

Seasoning: Drying is very difficult and extremely slow.
When drying wood shrinkage is very high which leads to inner tension and surface checking.
There is a strong tendency for the wood to warp.

Finishing: Clear varnishes or polished surfaces are suitable to highlight the burly texture.
These finishes are applied in the normal way.

Jointing: Joints with glue , screws and nails are easy to produce and hold firmly.

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